A NetNubby is a virtual post-it note you put on a web page. Public pages, private pages, local pages; secure or unsecure; video pages or PDF pages—anywhere a Chrome(ium) browser can display HTML. Unlike other social media where the platform itself steals the focus, NetNubbys start and end with the brand. NetNubbys associate with a URL because they stick to web pages. Whether government, corporate or personal, any page on the planet is now your very own personal bulletin board: Say what you want on it.

NetNubbys create a unique, organically-bound, alternative social media platform. Use them to hang with friends on your favorite sites or connect with products and services the world over. Market leaders can tap into a lively social scene happening literally on their own product page: It’s the ultimate feedback tool. Post a note, take a pulse, share a thought or start a movement. For leaders and followers, consumers and producers, NetNubbys give every demographic a voice!

NetNubbys are brand-aware, people-focused and location-centric. They’re instantly honest and personal because people talk where they meet. For consumers, NetNubbys promote sharing and debate one-to-one or one to a million. Rate a product or critique a service. For brand owners, this targeted activity takes place on your own product pages (not on a third-party service). NetNubbys cultivate brand equity on your brand’s own turf! Loyalists and detractors can now engage the brand owner and one another right on the product page itself.

The platform is designed for balanced communication—not everything goes. Brands cannot censor what people say any more than visitors can hold a page hostage to perpetual criticism. When a brand determines the quality of commentary on its pages no longer has value, it can pull the plug on messages—nothing further can be said (good or bad). Thus, visitors cannot say what they think without the brand’s permission. If they wish to be heard, they must engage in civil discourse. On the other hand, a brand has to be open to criticism along with praise. This is the way.

Crafted for desktop viewing, NetNubbys aren’t so large they overpower precious screen real estate and aren’t so small they kill the chance to speak out. Like physical sticky notes, their bite-sized footprint encourages concise, targeted communication. Consumers use them for rants or tech notes, status updates or quick reminders, To-Dos or support requests, and for praise or critique. They can feed the rumor mill too. Brand managers use them for sales ads or time-sensitive offers, product launches or support replies, and for customer service and affirmation. They can also set the rumor mill straight.

You can post Global NetNubbys publicly or privately. Public Notes are viewable across the Internet reaching millions daily, while Private Notes serve individuals and user-created tribes. And there are Local Notes: 100% secluded, “self-made, self-seen” messages stored on your own computer. For authors, NetNubbys empower. Pick an audience, a topic and a venue. Target the globe or talk to a friend. Or just jog your memory. Clearnet or darknet. Any issue, any product or service, anywhere in the world—any time you want.

Once posted, a note lasts 5 calendar days. Each page holds 20 Public Notes and you can only have 1 per location, so say what you mean on it. Unlike real bulletin boards that get clogged up, NetNubbys have a built-in shelf life. There’s no information overload and ideas are always fresh. Posting is on a first come, first served basis. Nobody can take your message down or fill the page with excessive notes to hide yours.

NetNubbys are original, distinctive social media. They are functional (providing targeted communications) and ornamental (embellishing a page). For a new kind of marketing, networking and productivity tool, use them to buy and sell, make new friends, keep in touch, stay informed, conduct research or get someone’s attention. Post to a brand’s page or to your own. Publicly or privately. You steer the dialog, specify the audience and set the tone.

Free and paid plans are available along with an assortment of premium features. Free accounts are ad-supported (advertisers are provided a very attractive marketing platform). A modest monthly subscription allows paid accounts to enjoy premium features at reduced cost with no ads. Enticing upgrades are available for dedicated users as well as for brand communicators, reputation managers and thought leaders.

NetNubbys. For keeping in touch. For personal productivity. For brand awareness and customer loyalty. For making new friends or making things happen, NetNubbys help you impact the world one Note at a time!